Today’s update

This is the wood today, as you can see the evergreen Azaleas are now in flower. This is a once in a year show and they are so late this year that I feared they were not going to perform. They have felt the cold weather worse than anything else.Kurume Azalea Rho_Augustinii

05 March 2013



It is a beautiful day at Greencombe today – the sun is shining, the lambs in the field in front of the house are frolicking, and the gardeners are busy getting the garden ready for opening on 30 March.

Greencombe reopens in time for Easter




Greencombe Gardens will open their gates to visitors from Saturday 30 March 2013. From then, the gardens will be open daily from 2 till 6 pm. For the first time, there will be the opportunity to purchase an annual ticket for £20.00. Otherwise, admission is £7.00 per adult and £1.00 per child.

Looking forward to seeing you here!